Happy Saddles Foundation was created to share our passion with others to promote wellness and therapeutic attributes to anyone looking to heal and improve their lives. 

Various forms of PTSD and past trauma are just a few ailments that can benefit from equine therapy while adding an extra dose of happiness. Happy Saddles provides a safe, friendly, and peaceful space to make people feel at home. 

Horses have been part of our family as well as a working stable that we share to help the community. Since our children were small, we kept introducing them to the world of horses. We began taking them to the local barn and started working with our beloved trainer. She helped them become more involved by giving them the opportunity to groom, feed, ride, and love these majestic animals. 

We are convinced that the bond created between humans and horses is true therapy. We want to share our one-of-a-kind equine therapy home with our community to help those in need of their magic touch.